Temple Beth Israel has an OPEN DOOR membership model. It focuses on the value of belonging to our community rather than the cost of belonging to a temple. OPEN DOOR requies no minimum dues.
Rather, OPEN DOOR asks each member household to determine their own financial Community Commitment. Regardless of whether your Community Commitment allows for $18 or $1800, OPEN DOOR places priority on having you as a member of our congregation.
As a point of reference, the Temple has computed a Sustaining Share that reflects Temple operating costs per household if all member households were able to give equally. Our current SUSTAINING SHARE is $1300. This information is shared as a point of reference as you consider your own Community Commitment.
Your membership links you to the life and spirit of the Temple Beth Israel congregation. Your monetary contribution directly supports Temple operations, but it is your presence and participation in the Temple that is the essence of our Jewish community. Consider how you can strengthen our community through attending services, volunteering for a committee, sponsoring an oneg, suggesting a cultural activity, or teaching a religious school class, for example. Our congregational strength is dependent on you! We are so happy to welcome you to our community.