Guest Registration and Background Check Notification
For the safety of our campers, ALL guests must immediately notify the camp director of their presence and sign-in before participating in any activity, service, meal (including the Snack Shack).
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Church and City
Your Pastor's Name
Submit a photo of your Driver's License for Background Check
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By signing below, I acknowledge that I am a guest at The Crossing and will adhere to all standards of conduct listed in the Camp Leader's Manual
(click here to view).
I will also agree to pay for all meals in the dining center (Breakfast - $10/ Lunch - $11/ Supper - $12) as well as the $10 day fee.
(Click here to pay.)
I hereby give permission for the Nebraska Ministry Network to do a background check prior to my participating in activities or attending any of the services, meals, or events at The Crossing.
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