ASK-All Special Kids may wish to use photographs and images from the programs undertaken as part of this collaboration. Any such images and photographs would highlight the participants either demonstrating learning techniques or participating in the ASK programs.
In accordance with ASK policy, the names of individual participants will not be released with photographs. This release form applies only to any educational publications and promotional materials published after 15 October 2012. I hereby authorise ASK to publish the photographs taken of me and/or the undersigned program participant, for use on ASK’s website and in any printed educational publications and/or general media releases.
I {nameOf6} release ASK from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned program participant and myself. I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant mentioned below and that I have the authority to authorise ASK to use their photographs and images. This release is valid from the date of signature until written notice is received from the parent/guardian revoking this Authorisation.
I acknowledge that participation in publications and websites produced by ASK is voluntary, and neither the participant nor I will receive any financial compensation. I further agree that participation in any educational publications and website produced by ASK confers no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release ASK its owners, partners, volunteers, and employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of the undersigned individual.