Personal Information
Emergency Contact Information
Health Information
If you are currently experiencing any health issues or injuries, kindly provide the necessary information in this section.
Special Instruction: Please READ and SIGN
I, admittance to Volunteer Team Furthermore, I am being enrolled in good health, and do not suffer from any illness; disability, or condition that requires the taking of medication regularly, and any such condition is disclosed to and is accepted by the Mustafa Center Inc. administration. I also understand that there is no reason that I cannot or should not participate in vigorous practice in the event. I, the undersigned, hereby expressly agree to be responsible for any medical bills incurred in the treatment of any illness or accident of myself in the event of any accident or injury, I hereby give my full consent to allowing the MC Administration to procure any medical treatment deemed necessary and advisable. I understand that, as a condition of admittance hereby release; the MC Sdministration of the instructors from all and any liability resulting from injury or illness, mental or physical, suffered during my work.I, have read and understand the above and acknowledge and accept fullresponsibility as described above.
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