What To Know Before Booking:
I cannot control who may come through during a reading.
It is always what we need and may not be what we want.
So, I always say, come with an open heart to the experience the soul of your loved one and ready to receive powerful messages.
Please do not share with me any information regarding your loved one before the reading. I like to be a blank canvas.
All sesions are recorded for your keeping and integration of your grief.
My accuracy & validation rate is 98-99% out of 100. I am still in a human body and may mis read one thing or have something come through that will make sense in the future. I ask spirit to bring in things that are coming or that we will find out to further gift you after the reading.
During a reading I will tune into the energy round you and be the translator for messages from your family and/or friends on the other side.
Readings can be an very emotional, shocking, validating and deeply healing.
I will bring forth who they were in the physical world and how you remembered them.
I will not sensor of hold back any information that is brought for, it is my job to get out of the way and let spirit work.
It is an honour to be trusted with the souls of your loved ones and your recoding & reading is confidential and will be kept that way.
My accuracy is about 97-98% accuracy and some things that come in may not come in for now but for the future, I ask spirit to do this so the reading keeps supporting you even when it ends and you integrate back into your life.
60 min Mediumship Reading:
Communication with your deceased loved one(s) who you knew in this physical realm, who you have close relationship with. . This is only spirits who you knew & were close to and this is not a spirit guides or psychic reading.
Price: $450 For In Person (Portland, Oregon area only)
Price: $400 For Virtual Via Zoom
90 min Group Mediumship Reading Event: (local Portland Oregon folks only)
This an evening of live in person mediumship readings in your home. I will come & read for a group of your friends or family who are in need to hear from their deceased loved ones. Not everyone will get a reading but everyone will be transformed by the readings the profound healings that take place during the channeling.
Price: $700 for 90min (maximum of 8 people and 15min break in between)