Home Care Instructions Following Tooth Removal
Southern Maine Pediatric Dentistry 207-773-3111
Complications are rare following the removal of teeth in children. The following suggestions regarding care of your child after tooth removal should be followed unless otherwise noted by your doctor.
(1) Bleeding: Minor bleeding or oozing may occur. Your child should bite on the gauze provided for 20 to 30 minutes. Should bleeding continue, apply pressure to the area for 10 to 15 minutes
(2) Discomfort & pain: Only minor discomfort is expected after tooth removal. Medications such as Tylenol or Advil usually control this discomfort.
(3) Diet: Drinking through a straw and chewing coarse foods should be avoided for the first 24 hours. To avoid dehydration, make sure your child continues to drink liquids.
(4) Exercise: Heavy strenuous exercise should be avoided during the day of extraction
(5) Oral hygiene: Continue normal tooth brushing of all teeth except near the area of tooth removal. Begin normal brushing and flossing within 2 to 3 days
(6) Other: avoid spitting and contact us if prolonged fevers or facial swellings present
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us.