If you have any physical problems that may make it difficult for you to participate in the Life Design Education courses, it is recommended that you discuss this with your physician to determine the appropriateness of your participation. You MUST consult with a professional counselor, therapist, or physician and obtain a signed statement that there are no therapeutic contradictions to your participating in the Life Design Education courses if any of the following conditions apply:
- You have been hospitalized for a psychiatric or psychological disorder within the last five years.
- You are currently in counseling or therapy for substance abuse, PTSD, abuse or trauma, major depression or anxiety disorders, or similar diagnoses.
- You have been prescribed within the last six months or are currently taking any major tranquilizer or antidepressant medication such as Lithium, Thorazine, Stelazine, or Haldol.
If any of these conditions apply to you, you must request a copy of this online form and a copy of the "Notice to Professional Counselor" letter from Life Design Education. This online form and letter must be presented to your therapist or prescribing physician to have him/her/they read the form and the "Notice to Professional Counselor" letter in its entirety and discuss the advisability of your participation. If he/she/they agree there are no therapeutic contradictions, have the letter be signed and dated by all parties.
Please be aware that this information is NOT intended to be used by Life Design Education for the purposes of screening. Life Design Education programs are experiential educational programs; they are neither psychotherapy nor medical therapy. Life Design Education does not and cannot screen its students. Only you can decide what is right for you, and the information provided here is to assist you with that decision.