Online Coaching Application
Training & Nutrition
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Height & Weight
What state do you live in (if outside of US, please provide country)?
Which type of coaching are you interested in?
Lifestyle - I'm looking for help building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Athlete - Men's Physique Posing
Athlete - I'm looking for help training for a competition/sport (if looking for bodybuilding competition prep please be aware that I will currently only work with first time competitors)
What are your fitness goals and why?
If you are looking for posing, which best describes your current situation?
I've never posed before
I've been trying to learn on my own (no coach)
I've been trying to learn but I don't feel like my coach is helping
I am an experienced poser but want to take it to the next level
How many years of experience do you have in the gym (this includes sport specific training)?
How many days are you currently working out (this includes weight training and cardio/activity/sport)?
How many days are you willing to work out (this includes weight training and cardio/sport)?
How much do you know about nutrition?
Beginner: Every meal is a guessing game/I've never thought about it
Basic: I know what's good or bad for me and a basic understanding of portion control
Advanced: I understand macros and have tracked meals before
Expert: I have a strong understanding of macros and micronutrients
Have you worked with an online coach before?
If "yes" to above, please explain your experience working with an online coach (ie. what helped/didn't help).
Are you willing to track your meals to reach your fitness goals?
List/describe any preexisting injuries or medical conditions (write N/A if none).
Anything else I should know?
Should be Empty: