I, {parentguardianName}, the undersigned, am the parent or legal guardian with the authority to execute this Agreement and Release on behalf of {minorchildParticipant6} ("participant"), who makes and for whom I make the following declarations:
- My child is registered to participate in the following program offered by the San Diego South Bay SDA Church: "Project Living Water"
- The Prog ram will take place from June 25, 2023 to
September 4, 2023 and will include the following activities:
- Standing or Kneeling on a Paddle Board, Paddling, Swimming, balancing, and excessive arm/body motions.
- My child has permission to attend and participate in the above-described Program and the other reasonably related activities.
- For myself and my child, I understand and recognize that he/she must wear a properly fitted, approved life jacket at all times while in and on the water as part of this activity and have explained this to my child.
- If my child is under the age of 13 They must be accompanied by a guardian/parent at ALL TIMES or will not be able to participate in the program. Guardian will take full responsibility and care for child under 13 while in the water.
- I understand that any Church personnel or agents also participating in these activities are not necessarily medically trained to care for any particular physical or medical problem that may occur during these activities.
- As parent or guardian, I authorize the Church, in the event of injury or illness, to administer emergency care and to arrange for any emergency medical transportation to the nearest Health Care Facility deemed appropriate. I understand that every effort will be made to contact the parent or guardian prior to any involved treatment. I grant permission to qualified physicians and other medical personnel to furnish medical care, using the above guidelines, while my child is participating in the aforementioned Program. As a parent or guardian, I also agree that I or my health insurance carrier will bear the financial responsibility for any medical treatments administered under the above guidelines.
- I further understand that the Church does not necessarily carry medical or liability insurance for my child while he/she is participating in the Activity. By placing my signature below, I represent to the Church that I have adequate medical and hospitalization insurance for any injuries that my child may incur as a result of participating in these activities.
- For myself and my child, I understand and recognize that he/she is responsible for his/her own well-being and the well-being of the other participants. I declare that I recognize that it is in my child’s best interest, as well as that of the other participants, to follow the rules, guidelines, and suggestions of the Program supervisors and coordinators and that my child’s participation in this activity is entirely voluntary. I have discussed with my child his/her willingness and agreement to comply with the Program’s stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If I observe any unusual significant concern in my child’s readiness for participation and/or in the activity itself, I will remove my child from the participation and bring such attention of a Program supervisor or coordinator immediately.
- I, for myself and my child, fully understand and appreciate the significant potential dangers, hazards and/or risks, directly and/or indirectly inherent in participating in the specified activities, including the loss of life, permanent disability, serious loss of limb, and loss of property. While due care and personal discipline may reduce these dangers, hazards, and risks, the possibility of serious injury does exist.
- I have explained to my child the risks of these activities and his/her responsibilities for following the rules and regulations, and my child understands such risks and responsibilities. Also, I understand that the consumption of alcohol and/or use of drugs is strictly prohibited and could result in my child’s dismissal from further participation in these activities.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for my child being allowed to participate in this activity,
- For myself, my spouse, and my child participant, I knowingly and freely agree for myself and my child to assume all above-referenced risks inherent in my child’s participation in the activities.
- For myself, my spouse, and my child participant, I release and hold harmless, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the Church, its Board of Trustees, agents, officers, and employees, student volunteers, and the supervisors and coordinators of this Program (collectively, “Releasees”) for any and all direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, or costs, legal and otherwise, which they may incur as a result of my child’s participation in these activities, even if due to the negligence of the Releasees or other participants, including if the claim is brought by my child on his/her own behalf.
- For myself, my spouse, and my child participant, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless all of the Releasees from any and all liabilities arising from involvement or participation in this Program. even if due to the negligence of the Releasees to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I understand and acknowledge that but for this agreement to release and hold harmless the above parties, my child would not be permitted to participate in the Activity.
I have read the above terms of this Agreement/Release, and I understand and voluntarily agree to the terms and Conditions. This Agreement/Release shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, and assigns of the undersigned.