If you have upgraded your membership there will be a balance on your account due immediately. If you do not pay the balance the key-fob will not work at the door reader during unstaffed hours and your membership will be disrupted until you pay the balance.
If you have a credit card on file you need to give us permission to charge your credit card.
If you do not have a credit card on file please log into the member portal on the website to pay your balance.
Otherwise you will need to visit the gym during staffed hours to pay your balance.
Si ha actualizado su membresia, habra un saldo en su cuenta que se aduedara de inmediato. Si no paga el saldo, el llavero no funcionara en la puerta durante las horas sin attencion y su membresia se interrumpira hasta que pague el saldo.
Si tu tienes una tarjeta de credito regristrada en tu cuenta necesitas dar nos permiso para cargar su tarjeta.
Si NO tienes una tarjeta de credito registrada en tu cuenta. Por favor registre un tarjeta en linea en tu Portal De Membros para pagar su saldo.
Si no tendra que visitar durante las horas de attencion para pagar su saldo.