You are invited to participate in the collection of demographic information about the people who come to Peterborough Cathedral.
Our aim is to improve the information we have on the demographic profile. This will help us to identify where certain groups are underrepresented and where resources should be directed to address any barriers to increasing inclusion and participation in our Cathedral community.
In addition, the information we are collecting through this questionnaire will provide useful support when we seek to access funds from grant-making organisations.
We may share anonymised information for statistical purposes with the Archbishops’ Appointments team, the Association of English Cathedrals, the Diocese of Peterborough, and the wider church ensuring that you will not be identifiable. Such anonymised data may be shared and published more widely to provide transparency in relation to the diversity of our cathedrals.
We utilise categories and definitions used by or compatible with those of the Office for National Statistics so that we can more easily benchmark with its national and regional data. This means, for example, that we use the ONS questions relating to sex and gender, ethnic group categories, the Equality Act 2010 definition of disability, and the Social Mobility Commission guidance for collecting data on socio-economic background. The standardised questions also enable us to compare this data with the demographic of the diocese, other cathedrals, and the wider church.