The multiple student rates below are based on a 10% discount on the base $50 CAD price of the course, reducing it to $45 CAD per person. Participants will have six months of access to the course material, starting from when they register for the course online using the prepaid coupon code we will provide.
Once you have paid the discounted price for the number of people who will be accessing the price, we will send you by email single-use discount codes for each of your people to enable them to enroll online in the course without having to pay anything futher.
Options below are included for anywhere between 10 and 19 participants in your group. If your group will have more participants than that, just submit multiple forms to cover all the participants.
For example if you have 20 participants, just submit two forms. If you have than 38 participants, submit three forms, and so forth. If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact us at