Enter this contest by 11:59pm CST on June 22, 2023.
Lose 10% of your current body weight or more by September 21, 2023 to win the grand prize.
Winner is the contestant that:
1. Loses 10% of the weight shown in their weigh in video
2. Loses the most weight proportional to their body weight at weigh in.
Contestants must submit a video of their weigh in on a scale, showing them alone (fully clothed) and video must show the weight on the scale.
Entrance fee must be paid for submission to be valid.
All fees are non-refundable.
Form must be fully filled out for submission to be valid.
Contestants must be able to prove the date and time of the entrance weigh in and exit weigh out videos were taken.
Grand Prize is the pot of $50 entries from contestants plus an additional $500 USD from TheosU
By submitting this form and payment, you agree to these Terms, Waiver and Contest Rules.