HDRA Member Survey
1) MISSION – The current Purpose of HDRA in the by-laws is: “The purpose of the Association (HDRA) is a) to build a close neighborhood community environment; b) to protect the historic integrity of the New Bern Downtown Historic District; c) to promote the enforcement and implementation of ordinances that impact property values in the District.” Would you add or subtract from this Purpose?
If "Yes", what would you add or subtract to/from this Purpose?
2) Would you be interested in HDRA engaging more in advocacy - providing recommendations and comments to the political bodies and city/county policy groups on behalf of residents in the Downtown Historic District (Board of Aldermen, City Staff, Swiss Bear, Tryon Palace, etc.)?
3) What types of information would you like to receive from HDRA?
HDRA Budget
Historic property ownership and preservation (information, workshops, tours, and events, including tax credits for improvements, etc.)
More information from other government groups (city activities, construction projects, HPC decisions, MSD, other events, etc.)
Marketplace for goods and services to be offered to members (whether free or paid for)
If you clicked "Other" above please indicate what topics you are interested in
4) HDRA has committees, chaired by HDRA Board Members, that help us carry out the mission of HDRA. We need HDRA member involvement to staff the committees. Please indicate which of the following committees you would be interested to participate in. NOTE: Committee chairs will reach out to those interested.
Resident Membership
Business Friends Membership
Community and Government Outreach
5) Recently, the HDRA Board has hosted several social activities that enable our members to mingle in a fun environment. These included the Fall Picnic, Garden Party, Solstice party at Savi's Wine, as well as the Questers event at Cedar Grove Cemetery. Would you like to see more of these types of events?
We are constantly looking for new ways to bring our members together. Please share in the space below any additional ideas for social events that we should consider.
6) There is interest in establishing additional committees and/or subgroups to better engage members and create more community. Examples are book club, whiskey tasting, boating, advocacy, etc. If you agree, what committees and/or subgroups do you believe HDRA should add? (Please only suggest those groups that you would be willing to lead/manage, and please include your name with the suggestion)
7) HDRA is considering developing potential loyalty programs for our downtown businesses and collaborating with business leadership organizations in New Bern (Downtown Business Council, Swiss Bear, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) as active partners in the process. Are there specific programs/activities you would recommend HDRA developing to support our local businesses?
If "Yes" above, please indicate below the specific programs/activities you would recommend.
8) Do you believe HDRA membership dues should be used to support community outreach through monetary donations to local non-profits?
If so, please indicate which groups you feel we should engage.
Would you be interested to learn of individual donation opportunities with local non-profits (money or volunteer)?
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