Membership Application Form
Thank you for joining MTC Ringwood!
MTC proudly promotes a culture of mutual respect and courtesy within a positive, inclusive, family-friendly atmosphere. It encourages all members to strive for excellence in their martial arts techniques and demands of them the highest standards of behaviour.
A condition of being part of MTC is to abide by our Codes of Respect, Ethics, and Conduct, our Privacy & Confidentiality statements and the cultural qualities promoted by our Mission Statement. Everyone associated with the club is an MTC ambassador. Whether training at the club or while interacting in your school, work, private life or through any form of social media (eg. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc), ensure that every interaction with another person remains positive and non-judgemental.
We expect members to embrace those virtues practiced by the martial art community such as: Mutual Respect • Honour • Courtesy (politeness) • Integrity • Self-control
We nurture a culture of diversity and inclusivity that creates in its membership confidence, respect, self-esteem and self-worth. Martial arts teaches the importance of being responsible and honest to achieve harmony with society. An MTC student is the one who knows how to behave anywhere, anytime. All Codes of Respect, Ethics and Conduct, and our Privacy & Confidentiality and Mission Statements are available at: