Affiliate status is not a membership category of The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS). The Association’s Bylaws (Article II) provide affiliate status for (1) agencies or organizations with a substantial interest in theological education in the Christian or Jewish faiths but not involved in educational programs leading to a degree and (2) higher education institutions that offer graduate theological degrees and are related to identifiable communities of faith other than the Jewish or Christian faith. Affiliate status carries eligibility for appointment to ATS committees and voice but no vote in Association meetings. ATS affiliates pay annual dues as prescribed by the Association. Affiliate status is granted for a six-year term and may be renewed.
Organizations seeking affiliate status must complete this application form, indicating the category under which they are applying for affiliate status, and provide letters of endorsement of their application from the chief executive officers of three accredited or associate member schools of the Association. Upon recommendation of the ATS Board of Directors, affiliate status may be granted by a two-thirds vote of the member schools present and voting at a Biennial Meeting of the Association, which is held in even-numbered years.
Organizations holding affiliate status with ATS shall state the nature of the relationship only in the following manner: “(Name of organization) holds affiliate status with The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, but is not an accredited member of the Association.
Lisa Kern
Manager of Member Engagement
The Association of Theological Schools