3. Tetanus: We recommend you have a tetanus shot prior to volunteering. If you do not have an up-to-date tetanus shot, nor do you intend to acquire a tetanus shot prior to volunteering, please read and sign the following important information:
- If I am injured in any way including but not limited to, any open wound while volunteering for Suncoast Animal League, I agree to seek immediate medical attention and receive a tetanus shot at that time along with any other treatment that is recommended by the medical provider.
- I acknowledge that I am aware of the dangers of contracting Tetanus, and that Tetanus is completely preventable by immunization. Immunization is considered to provide protection for ten (10) years.
- I am aware that the symptoms include spasms and tightening of the jaw muscles, stiffening of the neck and other muscles, spasms and rigidity of the back muscles, often causing aching, seizures, irritability and fever. Other symptoms include excessive sweating, difficulty swallowing, hand and foot spasms, uncontrolled urination and defecation.
- I am aware that complications of Tetanus are: airway obstruction, respiratory arrest, heart failure, pneumonia, vertebral fractures and sometimes death.
- I do hereby acknowledge that Suncoast Animal League has recommended that all volunteers receive a tetanus shot prior to volunteering. Booster shots are recommended every ten years in order to be effective.