Foster Dog Evaluation
Please fill out this form to the best of your ability! If a question does not pertain to you/your foster dog please mark it with "na". The more details the better, even if it feels insignificant! Thank you for fostering. The information you share here is crucial to helping your foster dog finding an adopter.
Foster Dog Name
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Have you fostered for the AAC or another organization before?
If yes, how many dogs have you fostered before?
One or two before.
More than 10.
Too many to count!
Did you choose to foster this dog for any particular reason?
If you answered yes, please explain.
Please tell us who lives in your home (other pets, children and their ages, etc)
How long have you had your foster dog?
What are your foster dog's favorite toys or games?
Chewing on bones/hard things.
Playing with soft/squeaky toys.
What are three of your favorite things about your foster dog?
Where does your foster dog sleep?
In their crate
In my bed
On a dog bed in my room
If other, please explain.
Have you left your foster dog alone? If so, how did they do? Were they in a crate or loose in your house? The more details the better!
Has your foster dog shown any of the below behaviors - if so, please describe in more detail the box below. Check all that apply and describe.
Discomfort with being left alone
Discomfort with being confined (crate, in a small room etc)
Discomfort (barking, lunging, growling) with visitors to the house
Discomfort (barking, lunging, growling) at people or dogs out on walks
Discomfort (shows stress signs, growls) with being handled (having harness put on, being brushed, etc)
Discomfort (showing stress signs, growls) with having food, toys, bones taken away?
Please explain if you checked any of the above boxes.
Please explain any other concerning behavior that your foster dog has shown.
Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this dog! Pros and cons!
Should be Empty: