Please read the following statements. All statements must be answered "yes" for a student to be enrolled.
Yes 1. The student will be mentored by either a parent with a high school diploma or by a non-parent with a Bachelor's degree.
2. Please indicate who will be the student's Mentor:
Tara Pvel Other (If someone other than parent, mentor must complete the following
identifying information and the mentor’s signature is required).
Name:Pvel Tara N
Address:1602 Elberta Rd Warner Robins, GA 31093
Phone:478-342-2270 Work Cell:478-342-2270
Degree: Master's in Education Mentor Signature: Tara Pvel
Yes 3. I understand that the mentor will maintain weekly grades.
Yes 4. The mentor/parent agrees to document 24 clock hours of informational seminars on WCA Online or another approved activity by WCA.
Yes 5. The mentor and student will complete and submit all requirements, within a 30 day timeframe of all tests completed, and meet deadlines as stated in the Yearly Requirements, Academics Policies and Deadline section within the School Information Room on the WCA
Yes 6. The student will take a course final per course in the presence of a center staff member.
Yes 7. The student will have a secluded, quiet area of study. Describe area of study.
Classroom with own desk and small class size
8. List the student and family goals for your homeschool program. To improve educational outcomes for the student
Yes 9. The student will have access to research encyclopedia or CD-ROM capability.
Yes 10. I understand that a graduate of WCA must have one set of national standardized test scores per school year on file and one SAT/ACT score before high school graduation.
Yes 11. The student must have opportunities to engage in frequent group enrichment and socialization activities. In which homeschool association or co-op are you actively involved?
Yes 12. I understand that a student must complete a minimum of 120 clock hours of course activity per course, and maintain a school year of 180 days with each day being a minimum of 4.5 hours.