Detailed Foster Dog Evaluation
This form is for dogs with a known behavior concern that we want to work on! Please fill out this form to the best of your ability! If a question does not pertain to you/your foster dog please mark it with "na". The more details the better, even if it feels insignificant! Thank you for fostering. The information you share here is crucial to helping your foster dog finding an adopter.
Foster Dog Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Have you fostered for the AAC or another organization before?
If yes, how many dogs have you fostered before?
One or two before.
More than 10.
Too many to count!
Did you choose to foster this dog for any particular reason?
If you answered yes, please explain.
How long have you had your foster dog?
What is your neighborhood setting?
Do you have a fenced yard? If so, what is the approximate size and height? Are there dogs in neighboring yards?
Do you have a fenced yard? If so, what is the approximate size and height? Are there dogs in neighboring yards?
How many cups of food do you feed each day?
What is your dogs feeding schedule and does your dog eat immediately and finish their meal?
What are your dogs favorite treats or snacks?
What are your foster dog's favorite toys or games?
Chewing on bones/hard things.
Playing with soft/squeaky toys.
If other, please explain.
What are three of your favorite things about your foster dog?
Describe your foster dogs daily routine: activities and duration/distance/frequency, naps/downtimes and durations etc
Where does your dog sleep at night?
In their crate.
In my bed.
On a dog bed in my room.
If other, please explain.
How long is your dog left alone each day? and where is your dog when left alone?
Less than one hour.
1-3 hours.
5-8 hours
I have never left dog alone.
Where is your dog when left alone?
In a crate.
Loose in house with limited access to rooms.
Totally free roam.
If other, please explain.
Does your foster dog show any of the following when left alone
Excessive salivating
Scratching at doors
Would your foster dog be comfortable/relaxed confined (behind a baby gate/in a crate) if you were present?
If there are other people in your household please list them here. Please include ages of children.
Do you have frequent visitors to your home?
How would you describe your household? (quiet and calm, bustling and noisy, or in between)
Describe your foster dog's behavior and relationship(s) with human family members:
If there are other pets in your household, please describe them (species, breed, age, gender, spayed/neutered)
Describe your foster dog's behavior with other pets in the household.
What does your foster dog do if another dog approaches when you are giving attention to her/him?
If you are unable to answer many of the below questions. This is ok! Just answer those you can. Put NA if the question does not apply.
How does your foster dog react when strangers come to the door/guests enter your home?
What does your foster dog do if an unfamiliar dog comes into the house?
What does your foster dog do when approached by an unfamiliar person or dog on a walk? Describing their body language helps us!
What would your foster dog do if someone unfamiliar tried to touch him/her?
What does your foster dog do if a person or dog passes by the windows at the front of the house?
What does your foster dog do if a person or dog walks by the parked car he/she is in?
What does your foster dog do if you approach his food bowl while he/she is eating?
What does your foster dog do if you try to take food/bones/toys away from him/her?
What does your foster dog do when bathed or brushed, have his toenails cut, or get toweled off?
What does your foster dog do in response to a sudden loud sound?
Given the opportunity, would your foster dog chase a cat and/or wildlife?
How does your foster dog behave around unfamiliar objects?
Does your foster dog chase shadows or reflections, chase his tail lick, or chew excessively?
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being calmest, how excited does your foster dog get when:
Family members come home:
Just before a walk or ride in the car:
Are you considering adopting your foster dog?
Describe any concerning behavior your foster dog has shown. Please be as detailed as possible (where it happens, how often, specific details, etc.)
When did this behavior start?
Were there any environmental or lifestyle changes that occurred around the time your foster dog's behavior changed? If so, please describe. (ex. moved, had a baby, different roommates, job schedule change, etc.)
What do you do when your foster dog exhibits this behavior?
How does your foster dog react to your response?
Has your foster dog ever bitten or injured a person or animal? If so, provide details including circumstances leading to the incident, nature of injury, and level of medical attention needed.
Anything else you’d like to add about your foster dog - pros or cons! :)
Should be Empty: