The entirety of this form must be completed in order for students to participate in their chosen sports season. Completed registration DOES NOT guarantee the student a spot on the team, but rather the opportunity to begin practice. Upon submission of this form an e-mail confirmation will be sent.
A Sports Participation Fee of $30/team will be collected this year. This fee is due within one week of rosters being finalized. This means there is a 2-3 week grace period at the beginning of the season to account for tryouts OR for a player to change his/her mind and decide not to particpate.
By Signing Up Below I/We understand:
- There is a significant time commitment to you team and teammates.
- Most practices and games are mandatory. Missing practices and games will affect playing time.
- Coaches may hold some practices in the offseason. While these practices are not mandatory, every effort should be made to attend in order to avoid falling behind the other players.
- I/We the parent(s), hereby give my/our son approval to his participation in any/all activities during the upcoming season.
- I/We understand Medical insurance will NOT be provided by Cristo Rey.
-I/We agree to uphold the values of Cristo Rey and act as a valued member of the community while representing our child/their team at both home and away games.
-I/We agree to pay the $30 participation fee/team once rosters have been finalized.