As a career training student:
- I understand attendance in our certification classes is very important. I agree to attend all scheduled class sessions for my career training class, arrive on time, and stay until the end.
- I agree to communicate with my instructor, so they are aware of any attendance matters. I will communicate this in a timely manner via email and/or phone per teacher’s instructions given to me.
- I agree and understand that I must take the certification exam at the end of the career training class. If I do not attempt to take the certification exam, I understand that I may be liable for up to 50% of the course tuition.
- If you have children, I understand that for safety reasons, NO children are (under anycircumstances) allowed to attend any classes, clinicals, testing, or labs.
- I understand that I must complete ALLenrollment steps required by MSDWT adult education, to begin my career training class.
I understand all of the above information and agree to fulfill my obligations as a career training student.
I understand that if I do not fulfill the above obligations, I will be dismissed from the program and all books/materials must be returned to Washington Township Adult Ed. I understand that I will not be eligible for any more training opportunities through Washington Township Adult Ed.