DAC Grant Panelist Form
If you are interested in serving as a grant review panelist for the Durham Arts Council, please provide the information requested below. Once we receive your information you will be added to the database of individuals interested in serving. You will be contacted by DAC when a panel opportunity is available. If you need assistance filling out this form or have questions about a panelist's role, please contact Margaret DeMott at mdemott@durhamarts.org. Thank you for your interest!
Basic Information
Durham Arts Council grant panelists play a central role in reviewing applications for funding for both individual artists and arts/cultural organizations. We rely on panels composed of individuals who represent a broad range of artistic and cultural viewpoints, as well as wide ethnic/racial diversity, to provide assessment of grant applicant proposals in a variety of funding categories. Our panels are composed of artists, arts professionals and arts educators. Panelists are qualified by their activities, training, skills, and/or experience in one or more art forms. Panelists are not required to live or work in Durham County though we prioritize individuals who are based in North Carolina. All panel activities take place online, so a panelist is not required to attend meetings in person. An honorarium is offered to each panelist who serves. Durham Arts Council celebrates the unique creativity and spirit of every person and believes in creating a vibrant, diverse, equitable and inclusive community through the arts. DAC is committed at every level to developing, supporting, and celebrating diversity, equity, access, inclusion and belonging in our programming, grants, services, audience, workforce, vendor relationships, board and governance as a reflection of the diverse communities we serve.
First Name
Last Name
ex: she/her/hers
Phone Number:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Include title and organization as appropriate
What are your areas of expertise? Please be as specific as possible.
Please describe your training and experience or upload a resume that includes that information.
Resume Upload:
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Why are you interested in serving on a grant review panel?
Special Characteristics:
Durham Arts Council strives to convene panels that are racially, ethnically diverse and differently abled, so we ask for information to assist us to do that. Answers do not determine eligibility for participation on Durham Arts Council panels. Answering any of the following questions is optional. If you are of mixed racial and/or national origin, you may check more than one box. Choose the category(ies) with which you most closely identify yourself, as described:
Which of the following describes your race/ethnicity? Select only one:
Hispanic or Latina/o
Not Hispanic or Latina/o
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Select the appropriate disability category (ies):
Should be Empty: