Along with submitting quarterly grade reports, Prince George’s Christian Academy Homeschool oversight requirements mandate that you complete 3 yearly reviews of your homeschool curriculum and instruction. Please be aware that not completing your mandatory reviews OR grade reports places you on probation, following which the Board of Education will receive documentation that you have not fulfilled the Oversight Program administrative requirements. This could result in your student being listed as truant and terminated from our program. Please refer to COMAR 13A.10.01.01 and .05 for more information (excerpt listed below).
Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.10.01. - .01 Home Instruction Program.
C. Instruction Program.
(1) The home instruction program shall: (a) Provide regular, thorough instruction in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age; (b) Include instruction in English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health, and physical education; and (c) Take place on a regular basis during the school year and be of sufficient duration to implement the instruction program.
(2) The home instruction program may include enrollment on a part-time or full-time basis in courses offered by accredited or unaccredited colleges.
D. Educational Materials.
(1) A parent or guardian who chooses to provide a home instruction program for his or her child shall maintain a portfolio of materials which: (a) Demonstrates the parent or guardian is providing regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the areas specified in §C(1); (b) Includes relevant materials, such as instructional materials, reading materials, and examples of the child’s writings, worksheets, workbooks, creative materials, and tests; and (c) Shall be reviewed by the local superintendent or the superintendent's designee at the conclusion of each semester of the local school system at such times as are mutually agreeable to the local superintendent or designee and the parent or guardian.
Parent/Guardian's Acknowledgement
I, the undersigned, pledge that the information given on this grade report submission form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also confirm that my attached grade report is signed and dated and if it is not so, I acknowledge that my signature and date on this form serve as a legal and binding confirmation that the grades included on the report are complete, accurate, and true.