Schedule for 2024 - 2025:
We will have all classes, from kindergarten through high school, meeting on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9:00am to 2:30pm.
Our core curriculum will be The Good and The Beautiful. Parents are responsible for purchasing (or downloading for free) the language and math curriculum for each of their children. High school math will use a different curriculum and links will be provided prior to school starting. The co-op will provide material for history and science.
Each child will have classes that cover the following:
- Language
- Mathmatics
- Geography (we will study the 7 continents and have a student led International Fair in May)
- Science (Botany studies through physical garden beds)
- Foreign Language (ASL - American Sign Language)
- Art (each classroom teacher will be the instructor)
- PE / Gym
- One of three new electives (Make your selection below)
We will be following the RFISD school calendar for holiday breaks. Please be sure to check the calendar tab for any additional events or additional days off.