Registration form for placement test, July-September Session
Family name
Numero di telefono
Area Code
Phone Number
Che livello di lingua italiana hai? What is your level in Italian language? ماهو مستواك باللغة الايطالية حاليا؟ (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)
Dove hai studiato l'italiano? Inserisci università/centro/da solo/lezioni private/istituto...ecc. e nome dell'istituzione/ Where did you study Italian? Enter the name of the university/center/self study/private lessons/institute etc. اين درست اللغة الايطالية؟ اكتب اسم الجامعة، المركز، لوحدك، حصص خصوصي...الخ
Per quanto tempo hai studiato l'italiano? How long have you been studying Italian? ماهي المدة ؟االتي درست بها اللغة الايطالية
Quando hai completato l'ultimo corso di italiano? When did you complete your last course in Italian language? متى انهيت دراسة الغة الايطالية
Perché studi l'italiano e quale livello vorresti raggiungere? Why are you studying Italian and what level would you like to reach? ما هو سبب دراستك للغة الايطالية /وما هو المستوى الذي ترغب بالوصول اليه؟
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