Please do not request time off during term time for your child except in exceptional circumstances.
Time off school during term time is disruptive to your child’s education and will not be granted except in exceptional circumstances.
Leave taken without the permission of the Headteacher will be recorded as unauthorised absence and you may be liable to a Fixed Penalty Notice (EPN) resulting in a £60 fine, per parent, per child.
Time off school during term time for family holidays is not a right and will not be granted except in exceptional circumstances.
If you wish to request exceptional leave of absence for your child/ren, you must fill in the request form attached and hand it in to the school before booking any flights or other arrangements and at least 3 weeks before the first requested day of absence (unless you have to travel in an emergency last minute, in which case proof of the flight booking will be requested, please do not book anything before speaking to the school).
The headteacher will consider your request and will also look very carefully at your child’s previous attendance record, including time off due to illness or morning lateness, before making a decision and if the request is attached to school holidays.
If exceptional leave is granted, your child must return on the date agreed or your child may be removed from the school roll in some circumstances.
The school may also inform the Harrow Council Court Attendance Officer in the case of persistent absentees, which may lead to a pre-court panel meeting.
If, having read this guidance, you still wish to apply for leave for your child/ren, please fill out the Exceptional Leave During Term Time Request Form overleaf and return it to school at least 3 weeks before the first date of your requested absence. The headteacher/attendance officer will contact you to discuss your request.
The headteacher is only allowed to authorise leave in term time in exception circumstances. Holidays, weddings, religious ceremonies overseas (other than those stated in the SARCE Guide), birthdays, visiting family, family days out do not come under this remit, but would be looked at under their own merit for consideration in exceptional circumstances.