You are invited to join us on Zoom on Wednesday, August 9, 6:30 pm MT for a poetry reading featuring Susan Delaney Spear, Jodie Hollander & Erica Reid. The Zoom link will be emailed to all registrants 24 hours before the reading.
Susan Delaney Spear has published two collections of poetry: Beyond All Bearing (2018, Resource Publications, Wipf and Stock) and On Earth… (2022, Resource Publications, Wipf and Stock). She is the co-author (with Dr. David J. Rothman) of Learning the Secrets of English Verse, a creative writing poetry textbook (Springer, 2022). Her poems have appeared widely in print and on-line journals. She is now an adjunct professor at St Leo University near Tampa, Florida, where she now lives.
Jodie Hollander, originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was raised in a family of classical musicians. She studied poetry in England, and her poems have appeared in journals such as The Poetry Review, The Yale Review, The Harvard Review, PN Review, The Dark Horse, The New Criterion, The Rialto, Verse Daily, The Best Australian Poems of 2011, and The Best Australian Poems of 2015. Her debut full-length collection, My Dark Horses, was published with Liverpool University Press (Pavilion Poetry) in 2017. Her second collection, Nocturne, was published with Liverpool & Oxford University Press in the spring of 2023.
Erica Reid is a Colorado poet, educator, editor, and critic. Her debut collection Ghost Man on Second won the 2023 Donald Justice Poetry Prize and will be published by Autumn House Press in early 2024. Erica’s poems will appear in Rattle, Birmingham Poetry Review, The Inflectionist Review, and more.