In this task we ask you to use FPM to filter rules and find the most descriptive rule for a selection in the solutions. You are given a dataset of non-dominated solutions from an optimization of the DTLZ2 problem with three objectives. DTLZ2 is a mathematical test problem where some of the variables have a bigger influence on a solutions placement on the Pareto-optimal front than others. Solutions around the reference point (y0 = 0.5, y1 = 0.7, y2 = 0.5) are highlighted. Please perform the following tasks:
(1) Load the view-file task1d.mimerview.
(2) Open the dataset dtlz2 using a 3D scatterplot.
(3) Use FPM to find rules over all variables (x0−x11) for the highlighted solutions. Use the default values for "Min. significance" and "Max. levels".
(4) Open the rules with the FPM graph plot.
(5) By changing the "Levels" value and using the sliders, filter the rules to find the single rule-interaction that seems most descriptive to you with a significance over 90% (
(6) Save the current state of Mimer as a view.
A "descriptive" rule would be one that with a high significance and a low unsignificance at the same time, i.e. describing solutions in the selected set while not describing solutions in the unselected set.
The "significance" of an FPM-rule is determined by the fraction of solutions in the selected set that are covered by the rule.
The "unselected significance" or "unsignificance" is determined by the fraction of solutions in the unselected set that are also covered by the rule.