Agreement Concerning Scope of Care
Dear Patient,
You have to come to us with the desire to improve your general health through nutrition. You may or may not at the same time be under the care of another physician for primary care or for a specific ailment. It's important to understand clearly the scope and extent of the medical services, which we expect to render in your case.
Since a nutritional deficiency may or may not be associated with a specific disease, or may be the cause of that disease, or may occur as.a result of that disease, our concern with your case will be with your nutritional program and your ability to métabolize and utilize the nutrients you consume, If you:have a specific diseaseand desire treatment for that specific disease entity, you should place yourself under the care of a specialist forsuch diagnosis and treatment as may be indicated or desired by you.
In our nutritional management of your case we may prescribe vitamins minerals, enzymes, and other nutritional supplements. The purpose of these natural prescriptions is limited to
- Improvement of your overall nutritional status
- Improvement of your metabolism
- Increasing your sense of well-being
- Normalizing your appetite
- Reducing your pain and discomfort
It is important to understand that you may not receive any of these benefits. Results do not occur predictably in every patient, and in some cases, they do not occur at all
The American Medical Association, the Food and Drug Association, the American Cancer Society, the Arthritis Foundation, the American Heart Association or similar agencies or organizations, do not necessarily share our viewpoint concerning nutrition and the diagnostic evaluation of disease. Though significant evidence exists to consider such diagnostics and natural treatments safe and effective, the above agencies of organizations may consider them unproved, investigational or experimental. Signing below you acknowledge that, with full knowledge of these disagreements, you desire to undertake diagnostic evaluation and have prescribed in your case such nutritional supplements and natural treatments which, in our opinion, appear to be indicated for your condition.
I have read and understand the above. Under the conditions indicated, I hereby place myself under your care for such diagnosis, care, treatment, prescriptions, and therapies as may appear to be indicated in your medical judgment.