JFKSOPSS Research Experience and Interest Database
The JFSKSOPSS Research and Grants Committee is committed to finding ways to facilitate connections and increase research opportunities across the university. The first step is gathering data to develop a searchable database. We are requesting that you share your research experience and interests. For example, if you have an interest in doing specific research, but know don't have time to do it alone, you could locate a methodology expert who could help design the study and choose appropriate measures, a writing expert in the topic who could put together an Introduction, or even a statistician to help analyze data. For more information, please contact Dr. Michelle Ackerman at mackerman@nu.edu.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your relationship to the University (select all that apply):
If you selected "other," please specify:
Specific to your research interest, are you hoping to connect with(select all that apply):
equal partner(s)
What researcher roles have you previously held (select all that apply)?
sole researcher
research mentor
research mentee
If you selected "other," please specify:
Specific to your research interest, what methodology are you hoping to use?
mixed methodology
If you selected "other," please list:
Are there specific areas of a research study that you are interested in contributing to? Please select all that apply:
No specific area/any area
Literature review/writing
Methodology/study design
Instrument creation/interview guide development
Field testing of qualitative protocol (interview guide, focus group guide, etc.)
Participant recruitment
Quantitative data analysis
Qualitative data analysis
IRB application
Writing upresults/interpretation and discussion
Are you willing to offer guidance to help faculty, staff, or students determine where to submit forpresentation or publication?
Please identify your research expertise. Select all that apply and write in any specifics related to your choices
Qualitative methods [please list specific designs or approaches]:
Quantitative methods [please list specific designs or approaches]:
Mixed Methods [please list specific designs or approaches]
Interviewing [please list specific approaches or populations]:
Instrument construction and psychometric testing:
IRB application and ethicalconsiderations:
Statistical analysis:
Regression (linear, multiple, hierarchical)
Logistic regression
Nonparametric tests (when assumptions of parametric analyses are violated)
Factor analysis
Structural equation modeling
Dyadic data analysis
Please list specific approaches or analyses:
Qualitative data analysis:
Thematic analysis
Phenomenological thematic analysis or IPA
Content analysis
Narrative analysis
Grounded theory analysis
Please list other specific qualitative approaches or analyses:
Constructing online surveys: Please list specific platforms or approaches:
Please identify your content/topic areas of expertise. You may list as many areas as you prefer:
NU-JFKSOPSS’s Research Committee is hosting a Virtual Research Symposium in early 2025. Are you interested in contributing?
Yes, I would love to present
Yes, I would love to do a poster
Not this year, but maybe in the future
No, thank you
Please list any of your recent publications you would like to share with the NU community:
Are you willing to create content for the Research Academy (e.g., APA-congruent bias free demographics survey, repository/document with seminal sources specific to approaches/analyses/theory, how-to's or FAQ on specific topics)?
If yes, please list the areas in which you would like to contribute?
How would you like to be contacted by collaborators? What are your requests for level of involvement with collaborators or mentees (e.g., time allocation)?
Please verify that you are human
Thank you!
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