SF ReServe Cost Calculator
SF ReServists typically work 10-15 hours a week. Use this worksheet to determine your cost of hiring one employee.
Indicate hourly wage:
The current non-profit SF Minimum Compensation hourly rate is $20.25 the for-profit rate is $20.96. If an employer wishes to pay employee at a rate higher than the MCO, the employer pays this portion (plus the labor fee) in full.
Plus 24% for labor fee
The labor fee covers: ReServist's State and Federal Unemployment Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance, Medicare Tax and Social Security Tax, General Liability Insurance, Personal Injury and Property Damage; and HR administration fees.
TOTAL wage per hour (Hourly + labor cost)
Number 10 hours week
TOTAL cost per week (for an employee who works 10 hours)
Partner pays 100% (hourly wage + labor fee ) for each additional hour over 10-hour base.
SF ReServe's Cost-Share Model
Based on a 10 hour/week base
SF ReServe pays 100% for the first 4 weeks:
Number 40%
SF ReServe then covers 40% of the total cost for the remaining 48 weeks, based on a 10 hr/week:
Partners pay 60% of the total cost for 48 weeks, based on a 10/hr week:
With SF ReServe, Partners save!
TOTAL Cost of one employee for one year (52 weeks)
Of this amount, the Partner pays:
Want to hire a ReServist for MORE than 10 hours a week?
Partner pays 100% (hourly wage + labor fee ) for each add’l hour over 10-hour base.
How many additional hours would you like to add per week?
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
5 hours
10 hours
NEW Partner total for 52 weeks:
Are you ready to hire a ReServist?
1663 Mission Street, Suite 525, San Francisco, CA 94103 jennie@sfcommunityliving.org | (415) 821-1003, ext. 110 | www.SFReServe.org
Should be Empty: