What is CapEx?
Capital expenditures (CapEx) are funds used by the Rec to purchase, upgrade and maintain physical assets. This includes the Rec property, buildings, technology, and equipment. CapEx is often used to undertake new projects (investments) by the Rec. This type of outlay is done primarily to add some future benefit to the Rec and its members.
Simply, CapEx is any type of expense that the Rec will capitalize and show on our balance sheet as an investment. Capitalizing an asset requires the Rec to spread the cost of the expenditure over the useful life of the asset.
Conversely, operating expenses (OpEx) are shorter-term expenses required to meet the ongoing operational costs of running the Rec (like repairs). Unlike capital expenditures, operating expenses will be fully deducted from the Rec's taxes in the same year in which the expenses occur.
The purpose of this form is for members to suggest CapEx projects to the Rec. This form should not be used to report or propose repairs (please email those directly to members@diamondarec.com).
The Board will periodically review all CapEx proposals submitted and invite members to present their ideas when appropriate.