1. Class Participation: The Student is required to be present in the zoom classroom with screen on, participate in prayer, reading scriptures, asking questions, engaging in discussions, bring bible (NKJ version) and take notes.
2. Attendance: The Student has three unexcused absences per semester. Students can be dropped from class if exceed three unexcused absences. Students must submit an excuse for absence to Administrator Dr. Perez by email or text the day of or prior to class.
3. Assignments: The student’s homework, test, special assignments, oral exams and finals must be completed on time at registered degree level. If additional time is needed send an email to on the due date for 3 extra days. Homework assignments not turned in on time after extended time period will automatically loose a letter grade. Homework assignments not turned in will be given a F for the assignment.
4. Oral Test: The student must be prepared to take an oral test recorded on zoom meeting. You will be given advance notice to prepare for this test.
5. Tuition: Student must have tuition and fees paid in full to participate in graduation, received a degree or transcript. Tuition is due by the 1st of each month with a 5 day grace period. Tution submitted after the 5th will be charged a $20 late fee.