Chaos Theory is broken up into three groups:
New Timers
(Open to Grades 6-8)
Directed by Maggie Petersen
New timers focus on the basics and foundations of improv and learn a variety of shortform improv games. They end the year with an invited showcase of their skills for families and friends. No audition necessary.
Rehearsal Day/Time: Wednesdays 4:00-5:30pm.
Dates: 10/4 - 12/6 (No 4/22) and 1/10 - 4/24 (No 2/21 or 4/10)
Neutral Timers
(Open to Grades 7-9)
Directed by Justine Stillwell
Neutral timers continue to hone their improvisation skills. They learn more advanced shortform formats and begin to get an introduction to longform improvisation. They have two public performances in the winter and spring.
Students must complete at least a year of Chaos Theory New Timers (Or equivalent experience) and get approval from Mike to join Neutral Timers. Students who have not done Chaos Theory before will need to attend the Chaos Theory Workshop Audition.
Rehearsal Day/Time: Thursdays 4:00-5:30pm.
Dates: 10/5 - 12/7 (No 4/23), 11/30 extends to 6pm and 1/11 - 4/25 (No 2/22 or 4/11), 4/25 rehearsals extends to 6pm
Performances: 12/2 at 7pm, 12/3 at 6pm, 4/27 at 7pm 4/28 at 6pm
Old Timers
(Open to Grades 9+)
Old timers hone their longform improvisation skills learning a variety of advanced formats and inventing some new ones. Old Timers focus on performance skills and have many opportunities to get up in front of a crowd throughout the year.
Students must complete at least two years of Chaos Theory (Or equivalent experience) and get approval from Mike to join Old Timers. Students who have not done Chaos Theory before will need to attend the Chaos Theory Workshop Audition.
Rehearsal Day/Time: Mondays 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dates: 10/2 - 12/4, 11/27 extends to 6pm and 1/8 - 4/29 (No 1/15, 2/19 or 4/8), 4/22 rehearsals extends to 6pm
Adjusted Fakespeare Rehearsals: Mondays and Wednesday 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dates: 5/13, 5/15, 5/20, 5/22, 5/29
Performances: 10/17 at 7pm, 12/2 at 7pm, 12/3 at 6pm, 4/27 at 7pm and 9pm, 4/28 at 6pm, and 6/2 at 6pm
If you are interested in Neutral Timers or Old Timers and have not done Chaos Theory before, please sign-up for a Chaos Theory Workshop Audition slot. If you have questions about which level you should register for, please reach out to