Wholesale Application Form
It may take up to 1 week for your application to be processed. If you have any questions, please reach out to thebrewersalley@gmail.com
First Name
Last Name
Where will you be selling?
Website, marketplace, social media handle, etc. Please be as specific as possible.
Legal Business Name
As it appears in your commercial registration documents
Business Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Are you based outside of the USA or in any of the following states: Oregon, New Hampshire, Delaware, Alaska, or Montana?
Resale License Number
This is required for sellers based in the USA. The ONLY exceptions are Oregon, New Hampshire, Delaware, Alaska, or Montana. This is NOT your federally issued EIN number which is formatted as two digits, dash and then seven digits (i.e.. xx-xxxxxx). It is issued on a state level when you register with the tax authority. We need this in order to exempt you from sales tax.
Resale License Certificate
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