Participant Confidentiality and Release of School Records
The PipeLine Program of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley will maintain all student files in a confidential manner. Perti-nent information (i.e. all academic information, report card information or tutorial information) may be shared professionally with Pipe-Line staff members, or the school system child attends. Files for all programs that are grant funded in whole or in part are available for monitoring and subject to audit. Communication of student information to persons or agencies other than those listed above will re-quire express written approval of the student’s parent.
A PipeLine staff representative has explained the above information, regarding the release of information in my students file main-tained by PipeLine of BGCTNV to me. I agree to the release of information to persons or agency as listed above. I understand that any release of information to persons or agencies other than those mentioned above will require my written approval.