Parking is always at a premium at any show. We have limited availability for artist parking at the venue in the Colorado Springs School lots. The premium parking availability on site is:
1. All weekend trailer drop in the lot south of the gym. 20 spots available. This option is only for your trailer spot. However, there is no overnight camping.
2. Regular vehicle artist parking.
A. Lot south of the gym. 10 spots available.
B. Lower theatre lot. 17 spots available.
C. Early Childhood Lot - closest to the show. 15 spots.
All other artist parking will be in the neighborhoods surrounding the show. Be respectful as this is this neighborhood's first experience with an outdoor art show and all that a show brings with it. Only park on Broadmoor Avenue if you have a bigger rig - vehicle with trailer or Sprinter van.
Thanks for your understanding and help. Lager map view is here: