Please fill out this Tuition Assistance Application at the same time as registering for lessons or classes. Your registration form will be kept on file until the completed application is received. Priority scheduling is given to returning students requesting assistance by August 19th, 2024. We take our commitment seriously and will add new students until our tuition assistance funds for the year are depleted.
FINANCIAL DOCUMENTATION: The online application requires financial documentation in the form of either a copy of your most recent statement of disability benefits or your most recently filed IRS 1040. JOMP has multiple tiers of awards ranging from 15% to 90%.
Notification of awards will be emailed to you.
DEPOSIT REQUIRED: If tuition assistance is granted, a first monthly payment must be made to secure registration. Tuition is adjusted to include the award and divided into ten monthly payments.
After September 1st, tuition assistance is awarded on a rolling basis until all funds have been expended for the year.
Important Information for All Applicants:
1) Assistance can only be awarded to families who have a zero-balance due before the new school year begins. If you are carrying a balance and are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Anne at so we can help ensure continuity in your lessons.
2) Attendance and maintained interest in musical studies is considered when awarding tuition assistance. If a student misses more than 3 lessons, they may be asked to move to a waiting list until attendance improves.