Grand Parade starts at noon Octover 7th ,2023
Parade Category-1st place will be awarded in all catagories. Participants may enter mulitple catagories. However, each enrty is eligble to receive only one award per parade enrty.
Catagories are:
Marching unit: any marching unit such as bands, muscial groups, and music related teams groupr, or organizations
Judges Award: any parade enrty of any type that, at the sole discretion of the judges, deserves an award for participation. All parade participants are eligible to compete in this catagory with the exception of political candidates.
Hometown Pride:any parade entry for a business or organizxation located within the City of Granite Falls or nearby business area that provides products or services to the community.
Float: Any float or moving display
Spirit Award: Limited to entries from Granite Falls High School and Crossroads High School Classes ( Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman)
Drill team: any unit such as performing arts groips, boy/girl scouts,clubs, and or philanthropic units excluding bands and muscial teams
Application:it is important that the apllication of Parade enrty be completed in full. This includes signing, dating, and submitting prior to the parade deadline. A valid email for you or your organization must be included because an email will be sent to this address to confirm receipt of the application. A seperate email with parade sequence and line up instructions will be sent to the same address approximately 3 days prior to the parade. The approximate length of your enrty will assist us in reserving adequate space in the parade lineup. A description is required as it will be read by the announcer when the enrty passes the judges platform.
Parade Line up: One individual should be assigned the responsibility of the reporting to the parade check-in tent near the corner of East Stanley and Indiana Street (Eat Thai parking lot). They will be provided the parade number to be displayed on the right-front of your enrty. All participipating members of your orgaizaition should report to the assigned lineup location (sent via email the Wednesday before) to reduce congestion at the control booth. Please DO NOT tell your participants to report to the check -in booth-they should go directly to your lineup location.
Each enrty will be assigned a specific location for lineup including a "color zone", Volunteers will be available in each lineup zone to assist with line up and to answer any questions. Please be respectful of other participants and neighbors who live on the parade lineup streets. Leave the area in the same condition as it was when you arrived
During the parade: the parade begins at 12:00 noon. All participants should be in place no later than 11:30 am. No parade enrty may use silly string or stink bombs, If you are found to be using either you will be asked to leave the events immediately.
After the parade: due to length of the lineup and parade it may be difficult to return to your vehicle if parked at your lineup location. Please keep this in mind as streets in the lineup and parade ares will be closed to traffic until the parade is completed. Many enrtries, especially those with horses, may want to unload near the parade finish and walk to the assigned lineup location.
Awards will be announced and presented at the judges platform apporximatelyu 30 minutes after the end of the parade.
If you have any questions you may call (360) 302-3051 and leave a message or you can email