This survey is to inform Culture Counts' contribution to Scottish Parliament Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee’s scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s culture budget for 2024-25.
This questionnaire is designed primarily for Core Members of Culture Counts, many of whom represent the views and realities of their own membership organisations, individuals and freelancers and are conducting their own research. The aim of Culture Counts’ survey is to collate these views and present a strategic and sector wider response.
All the questions contained in the body of the survey are optional, some of these might be more relevant to your role within the sector than others. Please feel free to provide as little or as much information as you like.
If you or your organisation have already completed a response to this consultation, or relevant information exists elsewhere – such as in a funding evaluation document or existing research, please forward this on to us, don’t worry about re-formatting the information to fit the form of this survey.
Please direct emails to Lori Anderson, Director of Culture Counts:
We will host a round-table discussion for Culture Counts Core Members on 15 August 10am-11:30am via zoom to discuss strategic issues and top line responses within the consultation. Core members can sign up for this event here
Contextual information about our approach and aims with this consultation, the Scottish Government budet process and the process of Parlimentary Scrutiny is available on our website here.
The deadline for responses to this survey is 15 August at 5pm.