The Calos Coalition is a 501(c)3 non-profit incorporated in Virginia Beach, Virginia operating across Hampton Roads. By clicking Clicking 'Submit' you acknowledge you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines & Terms of Service, always located at - along with our charitable disclosure statement. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to enter our Prize Drawings. Must be 13 years or older, complete this form & have no intention to harm, disrupt or otherwise abuse this form or the Trans Family Dinner Program. You agree to allowing The Calos Coalition and its official representatives to utilize all form data to secure our systems against intrustion.
You understand that our community dinner table is not a place for moral crusades - this program is about providing non-judgemental support and unassailably safe spaces for trans folks, families and youth. Security will be on-site and violators or harassers will be banned/removed swiftly and all relevant data (include logged IP) will be refered to local police for harassment of lawful charitable programs serving the public good.
Those with privacy concerns can rest assured this form is end-to-end encrypted and provides a secure portal directly to our Executive Director, Trans Family Dinner Coordiantor and Team. If you or a loved one needs more direct or immediate help - please use a different form, service or venue as this is not an emergency or request form. Merely a safe way to RSVP and joined the secure contact list to find out about upcoming Trans Family Dinners.