Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) invites your company to become a part of its new DBE Directory. MNPS Purchasing Agents and Construction staff utilize the directory when sourcing goods and services. Prime contractors who are required to outreach and identify DBE subcontractors, sub-consultants, and suppliers also rely on the directory. The new DBE Directory will be posted on MNPS website. Please complete the form below to be listed in MNPS DBE Directory.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to each question below. It is essential to respond to each question below so that we can provide accurate information when listing your company in the directory. After completing the registration form, click the “REVIEW BUTTON” to ensure you have completed each section. Incomplete section questions will be highlighted for you to complete. After reviewing, click the “SAVE BUTTON” to save the document for future editing. You cannot "SUBMIT" the registration form if these two steps are not completed. After submitting the form, you should receive an email confirming your registration submission. If you have questions regarding the form, contact MNPS Business Diversity Consultant: gwendolyn.davis@mnps.org