The following terms and conditions are provided to the client/customer prior to commencement of an appointment via a text message reminder of the day and time of the appointment. Commencement of an appointment is an agreement by the client/customer of the following terms and conditions laid out as follows. Please read fully and notify Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF prior to the commencement of the appointment if you are unable to agree the following terms and conditions.
In these terms of engagement, the following terms apply:
"Horse" - the Horse, Pony, Donkey, or other equine animal. "Client/Customer/You/Your" - Means the owner, representative of the owner or carer of the "Horse" that Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF is to provide farriery services to. "Yard" - the location at which the "Horse" is stabled or kept. This may include (but not limited to) livery yards, private stables, commercial premises, or home address. "We/Us" - Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF, including any employees of for the purpose of farriery services or business administration "Working days" - Monday to Friday, excluding any bank holidays
This contract constitutes the terms of engagement between Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF and you. If you are not the owner, but the representative of the owner or the carer of the horse, it is presumed that you have full consent to discuss and make decisions regarding the horse. Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF will not be held accountable for a lack of communication or misunderstanding between "you" and the owner. Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF is employed by you for the purpose of farriery and/or trimming. Specific requirements of each horse can be agreed verbally; if no information is given, Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF will make a decision on the requirements of the horse based on its presentation at the time of service and any previous knowledge available. Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF is bound by the Farrier Registration Act 1975 (and amendments) Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF shall be insured, including for Public Liability, damage to horses, and employers' liability where applicable You shall pay Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF for their services within 24 hours of the work completed, prices can be made available before work commences but must be requested. Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF reserves the right to charge interest at a daily rate of 1% on any payments or invoices outstanding beyond 7 days.
Obligations of Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF, we will provide a professional and reliable farrier service. We will endeavour to be present at the times agreed, should this not be possible we will try our very best to inform you and provide a revised estimated time of arrival. (Please note that due to our working in rural locations our ability to do so may be limited by mobile phone signal) We will take reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of you, your horse and ourselves. Please note that we often have hot materials, sharp tools, electrical cables, and grinders in and around our vans. Children, dependants, and animals not under our care cannot be supervised by us and are the responsibility of you. Part of safeguarding our own health and safety unfortunately occasionally requires us to refuse to either start or continue to finish working on a horse. If this is the case, we will discuss any solutions causing this with you, including veterinary assistance. If the behaviour of the horse is considered to be dangerous, we will charge for the whole job we were engaged to undertake. We will comply with the Farrier Registration Council code to professional conduct. We will remove old shoes from the yard. We will endeavour to ensure that no old shoes or nails are left but advise that as a precaution all areas that have been worked in or around are well swept after farriery. We will consult with other horse professionals if requested to do so, this may include (but not limited to) Veterinary surgeons, Physiotherapists, Trainers, Nutritionists, and other riders. Generally, this is done free of charge, however, if it becomes very time consuming a fee may be applied, any fee will be discussed prior to the charge being made. We will complete CPD (Continued Professional Development) to ensure our skills are up to date.
We will ensure that all contact details of Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF are provided to you, the customer. These can be found at the official website
We will endeavour to resolve any issues swiftly and promptly. Lost shoes will normally be attended to as quick as we are able unless discussed with you before (e.g., if we travel out of area for you lame horses and other issues will be discussed, and a suitable timeframe agreed upon. Please note that as a farrier, Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF will to their best to provide first aid treatment if required but we do not provide an emergency service comparable to that of a veterinary surgeon. Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 a farrier is not able to diagnose or recommend medication. We can offer advice and an opinion on a situation, but if we advise you to seek veterinary advice, the responsibility is with you do too so. We will not be held accountable where you do not seek veterinary advice when we have advised you to do so. You are advised to seek veterinary advice in all concerns that require diagnosis. Where we advise you of the need to veterinary treatment or remedial farriery treatment, and you disagree or do not continue treatment recommended, there is no liability of Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF.
Your obligations to Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF - You will provide a safe clean work area with hardstanding for shoeing. The areas should be made of hard standing with cover to protect against adverse weather, the tie up area should be safe and secure with no trip hazards nearby.
You should ensure that the horse is used to being handled and is well prepared for the farrier. If appropriate a companion horse should be available to help settle your horse. You will endeavour to have your horse clean and available at the agreed time of the appointment. A safe tie up ring should be provided Where possible protection from the rain and inclement weather is always welcomed where it is available but note that it is not always safe to carry out farrier services in a stable. The horse should wear a properly fitting headcollar with a sound rope. Competent assistance should be available where it is required to calm, distract, or generally assist with a safe working environment.
Inform us as soon as possible about any infectious diseases, so that we can prevent the spread to other horses, clients, and ourselves If you do need to cancel an appointment or move it, do this at least 2 working days prior to the appointment. There will be no charge if this is done. Less than 2 working days' notice may incur a charge of half the work we were engaged to undertake. Missed appointments will be charged for. Shoeing is sometimes a dangerous activity, and you should understand that certain methods of restraint or control may be necessary to ensure safety and prevent damage. If you are not present will will endeavour to handle your horse quietly and professionally. By leaving us in charge of the horse you are giving us permission to deal with it as we see fit. You agree to Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF capturing video or still images. These may be used for training, display on our website, social media or in articles. They may also be used to protect us should there be any query or question about the actions undertaken.
If a complaint about any aspect of the service arises, you will agree in all instances to contact me within 7 days of the appointment at which the complaints procedure will be provided to you via email. We will endeavour to make any issues right as quickly as possible. We are unable to do this if you do not contact us first. Provide good notice of termination of this contract. This is usually considered to be 1 shoeing/trimming period. Second opinions are sometimes a good idea and if one is sought correctly, they can be beneficial to certain situations. If you would like a second opinion on any matter concerning us or our services, you agree to inform us immediately. Either you or we can organise the second opinion, but we MUST be offered the chance to attend whilst it is being made. Reasonable time should be allowed for us to schedule this in. This also applies for veterinary and other professional visits regarding any aspect of our work or other matters concerning.
You will not voice any negative opinions about us, or any other professional involved with us in the public domain. If you have any grievance you agree to approach us directly to discuss. In the unlikely event that you remain unsatisfied with anything there is often a simple misunderstanding or some confusion causing it, we prefer all parties to have had the opportunity to discuss and resolve issues in a sensible and frank way. You should feel free to give any feedback or ask any questions about the care of your horse. We are more than happy to explain why we are doing what we are doing. We welcome feedback on the performance of your horse etc too it is often invaluable to us in being able to help you and your horse further if we are aware of any issues or presentation (footedness etc We will presume that there are no concerns if no information is given.
I have read and understood the above terms of engagement and agree to meet all the obligations made. I understand that by signing this document I agree to the above terms and obligations
Consulatations are provided with the use of Metron and Sleip software to analyse the hoof and the horse's movement. Please note that this service is merely a conveyance of the data and does not constitute a diagnosis, that can only be performed by a veterinarian. A general opinion is offered on the data along with any suggested futher diagnostics. Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF does not hold any accoutability for the use of this data when it has been delivered and is not liable for any future work and the consequences of that work that is not performed by Mark Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad Dip ELR CJF AWCF on the horse in question.
Terms and conditions must be signed by the client before work commences