HORSEBACK RIDING HELMET: I understand that a helmet is an essential safety item provided free of charge and that I can possible lessen or prevent injury to myself by wearing a helmet. I also understand that HORSEBACK RIDING is a sport that carries some rise and that HORSEBACK RIDING without a helmet increases that risk. The STABLE has offered and provided at the RIDER’S request an equestrian helmet that meets SEI certification-ASTM F1163 standards for use when riding or near HORSES. The RIDER, and on behalf of their children and/or legal ward, heirs, administrators, personal representatives or assigns, releases and discharges the RELEASEES from all claims, demands, or causes of action, whether the same be known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of bodily injury or property damage that may be sustained, or property damage which may occur as a result of the use of the HORSEBACK RIDING helmet provided. The RIDER also understands that neither this STABLE, its employees, nor any RELEASEE can guarantee the suitability of any helmet provided.