First Name
Last Name
Gender of puppy interested
Please Select
Doesn’t matter
Are you looking to purchase for top quality pet or for breeding rights?
Please Select
Pet. Cost: $2500
Breeding. $3500, we will provide IBC pedigree for breeding rights
Guardianship. Approved by Grove Biewers for being a guardian home.
Are you aware you will need to deposit $300 to hold a puppy? It is a non refundable deposit, the remaining of the puppy fee to be paid off by pickup day. ($500 deposit for breeding). For Guardian homes, just type N/A. Deposit can be send to, only upon puppy application approval from us.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Age Category:
Please Select
List all other occupants of your home, include ages and their relationship to you (spouse, children)
Does anyone in your home/family have allergies or asthma that may be effected by bringing a new puppy into your home?
Do children (apart from any who may live with you) frequently visit your home? If so, given the size of this breed and how delicate they are especially while they are puppies, how will you ensure their safety around unfamiliar children?
Is everyone in the household in agreement to buying a puppy and loving it forever?
How long have you lived at your current address? If less than 2 years, please list reason for moving
What type of home do you live in?
Do you rent or own your home?
Please Select
Do you have a yard? If yes, Does your yard have a secure fence (no holes, gaps, or other openings in the fence)?
List all currently owned pets and livestock, include species/age/sex/breed
Are your other pets spayed/neutered and up to date on their vaccinations?
If no, please explain why
If you have current pets, how would they behave around a new puppy in their home environment? How would you be able to put the effort into encouraging your pets to adjust well to having a new playmate?
Have you previously owned a pet that is no longer with you?
If yes, explain what type, how long you owned them, and what happened.
Have you ever had to surrender or rehome a pet?
If yes, explain why
Why do you think this breed is right for you and your family?
Describe the activity level and personality you are looking for in a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier?
How long will the puppy be left alone during the day?
Where will your puppy stay if you go on vacation or out of town for a long period of time?
How often will you exercise your puppy?
Housetraining puppies will take a lot of time, effort and patience. Are you willing to be fully consistent with training that could take months to complete?
Are you aware behavioral issues can arise? What will you do to fix the issues?
How do you plan to keep the puppy well socialized (after fully vaccinated, of course)?
What type of training methods do you plan to use?
Do you plan to take your puppy to the vet for vaccinations?
If no. why?
Do you plan on purchasing pet health insurance?
Please Select
The average life span of a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is 12-16 years or longer. Are you willing to make a commitment to this puppy for the rest of his/her life?
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and why you feel you could be the right person to provide a good home for one of our puppies?
How did you hear about us?
Reference 1: please provide name, phone number and relation to you
Reference of person’s name, phone number and relation to you
Reference 2: please provide name, phone number and relation to you
Reference of person’s name, phone number and relation to you
Should be Empty: