You live in France and you come from a country in the EU
You work in France
👉If you are working in France as an independent worker or as an employee, you now have insurance in France and no longer in your country of origin. ⏱️Before you leave, your insurance company must provide you an E104 Form.
👉You must file a health insurance application form entitled "Demande d'ouverture des droits à l'assurance maladie" and mail it to your regional CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie, Primary Health Insurance Fund) with all the supporting documents.
👉 You can find the form and the closest CPAM here
👉 And the list of all the supporting documents here
You are unemployed
👉 If you do not work, do not collect any unemployment benefits and if you have been legally living in France for more than 3 months., you are entitled to the protection universelle maladie (Puma).
👉If you are retired, you will find all information in this article