Services Request Form
Customer Details
First Name
Last Name
Company/Organization Name
Company/Organization Website
How long have you been in business?
Please provide a link to your Instagram account (if you have one)
What is your ideal timeframe to start your project?
We would love to know more about you and your business! What do you do, who are your clients, what industry niche do you fall into, etc. The more info you share, the better!
What areas of your business do you hope to highlight and improve during this process?
Are there any areas in your business you feel are holding you back from realizing your full potential and revenue?
What do you feel are the most important components needed to work successfully together?
What budget do you have in mind for your project? (Payment plans are available.)
Do you have any concerns regarding the process and working together? *
If you were referred by someone please let us know so we can express our gratitude!
If you weren't referred to us, we'd love to know where you came across our business!
Project Details
Project Name
Describe your project or idea in a few sentences:
What specific service are you seeking? (e.g., Mobile App Development, Web App Development, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Predictive Analytics, etc.)
What specific AI/ML services are you seeking? (e.g., Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Predictive Analytics, etc.)
Do you have any specific requirements or features in mind for the project? Please describe
Do you have any specific requirements or features in mind for the AI/ML solution? Please describe
Do you have the necessary data for the project? (Yes/No)
Please Select
If yes, please provide details about the data sources and format
If no, are you seeking assistance with data collection?
If no, are you seeking assistance with data collection?
Platform Preferences
Do you have any preferences regarding the platform or environment for deploying the App? If Yes, give details, else type 'No'.
Colour Preferences
Do you have any colour preferences or branding guidelines that should be considered while designing the user interface? Please specify (Colour Codes and Schemas are acceptable)
Do you have any colour preferences or branding guidelines that should be considered while designing the user interface? Please specify (Colour Codes and Schemas are acceptable)
User Actions
As a User, I want to
What actions do you want your customers to be able to perform on your platform? (e.g., Upload data, view predictions, customize settings, etc.)
Front-end Programming Language
Do you have a preference for the front-end programming language or framework? (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.)
Do you have a preference for the front-end programming language or framework? (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.)
Back-end Programming Language
Do you have a preference for the back-end programming language or framework? (e.g., Python with Django, Node.js with Express, Ruby on Rails, etc.)
Do you have a preference for the back-end programming language or framework? (e.g., Python with Django, Node.js with Express, Ruby on Rails, etc.)
What is your desired timeline for the completion of the App Development
Desired Date
Additional Information
Is there any other information or specific requirements you would like to add?
File Upload
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Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Is there any other information or specific requirements you would like to add?
By clicking "Submit", you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
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