23-24 MMEA Conference Application
We are excited to host the Massachusetts Music Educators Association Annual Professional Development Conference on March 21st and 22nd, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at the DCU Convention Center and Hilton Garden Inn. Please complete this form by October 15th, 2023. Submission decisions will be sent out by November 15th, 2023. MMEA is no longer charging the reduced $100 registration fee for clinicians. Session proposals can include a co-clinician. A session with over two presenters would be considered a panel discussion and only two clinicians would have their registration fees waived. In June of 2023, the MMEA Executive Board voted to purchase new projectors and screens for all conference workshop spaces. Clinicians must bring their own sound amplification equipment if needed.
Conference Session Proposal Rubric
The MMEA Conference Committee will evaluate each session proposal using the following rubric. MMEA is committed to fostering inclusive music opportunities, curricula, and professional development that celebrates exceptionalities, identities, orientations and cultural backgrounds.
Applicant Name
First Name
Last Name
Applicant Pronouns (Optional)
Applicant Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Affiliation (School, Business, Etc.)
Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Preferred Email Address
Name of Co-Clinician (Optional)
First Name
Last Name
Co-Clinician Email Address
If a Panel Discussion, Name of Third Panelist (Optional and Requires Paying for Registration)
First Name
Last Name
If a Panel Discussion, Name of Fourth Panelist (Optional and Requires Paying for Registration)
First Name
Last Name
If a Panel Discussion, Name of Fifth Panelist (Optional and Requires Paying for Registration)
First Name
Last Name
Session Type
Interactive/Participant Driven/Hands On Session
Reading Session
Panel Discussion
Sharing Session/Roundtable Discussion
Demonstration (students or performers will be serving as a demo group)
Target Audience: Our conference hosts K-12 educators as well as pre-service teachers, collegiate educators, and music program leaders/administrators. Please choose the audience that your session would target.
Elementary School Educators
Middle School Educators
High School Educators
College Level Educators
Program Leaders/Administrators
Pre-Service Educators/College Students
Private Lesson/Community Education Educators
Education Partners (public or private sector organizations)
Topics: Please mark all of the areas to which your session is applicable.
Accessible Music (pedagogies to support differentiated learning)
Chorus/Vocal Ensembles
Concert Band
Composition & Songwriting
Contemporary Performance (popular music ensembles, modern instruments, innovative classroom music)
General/Classroom Music
Jazz Band
Music Technology (tools for teachers or students)
Strings/Orchestra Ensemble
General Interest
Will an electronic piano be needed for your session?
Session Title
Session Description (Capped at 300 words)
How does your session incorporate or address Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) practices and/or awareness? We are asking all workshop presenters to review the MMEA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion portion of the rubric at the top of this form. Please note that this is not a requirement but important to our mission as an organization.
MMEA is now a DESE-approved professional development point provider. To award pdp's, participants must be aware of the expected outcomes of the session. Please provide 2-4 bullets of learning objectives below. During this session, educators will:
Clinician Biography
Please list any recent presentations you have given and where. Please indicate if this is your first time presenting (that is great too)!
Please indicate if this is a sponsored session from one of our non-profit music educators partners (ACDA, ASTA, BAKE, GIML, MAJE, MICCA, NEAOSA, etc.). Please include the name of the organization below.
If your session is selected, would you be willing to write an article for the Massachusetts Music Educators Journal on the topic of your session if approached by the conference chair?
Please Select
Do you have any specific scheduling or other requests that will help us in planning the conference? (Please note that we will not be able to accommodate all requests, but we are happy to do what is possible).
Clinician Photograph for Social Media
Browse Files
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MMEA recognizes that some sessions require participation of students from the clinician's school in order to present the proposed concepts effectively, also known as a "demo ensemble." Beginning this school year, MMEA will assist in funding transportation for a limited amount of demo ensembles.
Will you be bringing students to participate in your workshop?
Please Select
If yes, please give an estimate of the amount of participating students.
If yes, will you be seeking assistance in transportation funding from MMEA?
Sound Levels
MMEA has received feedback about sound from nearby sessions being disruptive. Though it is difficult to stop sound traveling through the temporary walls in conference rooms, we are going to try as best as possible to locate sessions based upon the expected levels of sound produced. Please assist us in understanding the level of sound that will be produced in your proposed session.
Please select the volume of your session.
Low volume with presenter speaking in the front of the room and workshop participants asking questions throughout the session.
Medium volume with music played on speakers.
Loud volume with workshop participants singing and/or playing musical instruments.
Corporate Sessions
MMEA members have reported in conference feedback surveys that they have been surprised to attend sessions that focused on selling items including books, online music technology software, etc. If you are representing a company selling products and are mentioning these products in your session, please provide us with more details below. Accepted sessions that have a corporate focus will have a distinctive notation for membership awareness in the Conference Edition of the MMEA Journal and the conference app. Corporate Sessions are not a way to avoid the fees associated with advertising in our MMEA Journal, All-State Concert Program, or renting a Vendor Table at the conference. Corporate session presenters will need to have a discussion with the conference committee about sponsorship opportunities.
By signing below, I agree that all of the information in this proposal is accurate and that the MMEA Conference Committee reserves the right to ask for the slideshow presentation and or/outline of the session as part of the workshop review process. I also acknowledge that if there are videos presented during my workshop session, they must have captioning.
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