Karen Wise, MS, LPC
Individual and Couples Counseling
1532 N. Emerson #302
Denver, CO 80218
1. Business : Karen Wise, MS, LPC 925 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203
2. Degree : LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) 1992 Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Masters of Counseling.
National Board Certified Counselor. National Board Certified Counselors must finish an accredited Master’s Degree program before being allowed to take the required examination to be certified. The examination is comprehensive and passing it demonstrates a broad knowledge of the field of counseling and its theoretical applications and practices.
3. License : LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) Colo. DORA #2650, 2 year/2000 supervised hours post graduate requirement.
4. A Registered Psychotherapist is a psychotherapist listed in the State’s database and is authorized by law to practice psychotherapy in Colorado, but is not licensed by the state and is not required to satisfy any standardized educational or testing requirements to obtain a registration from the state. A Certified Addiction Counselor I (CAC I) must be a high school graduate or equivalent, complete required training hours and 1,000 hours of supervised experience. A Certified Addiction Counselor II (CAC II) must be a high school graduate or equivalent, complete the CAC I requirements, and obtain additional required training hours, 2,000 additional hours of supervised experience, and pass a national exam. A Certified Addiction Counselor III (CAC III) must have a bachelor’s degree in behavioral health, complete CAC II requirements, and complete additional required training hours, 2,000 additional hours of supervised experience, and pass a national exam. A Licensed Addiction Counselor must have a clinical master’s degree, meet the CAC III requirements, and pass a national exam. A Licensed Social Worker must hold a master’s degree from a graduate school of social work and pass an examination in social work. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker must hold a master’s or doctorate degree from a graduate school of social work, practiced as a social worker for at least two years, and pass an examination in social work. A Psychologist Candidate, a Marriage and Family Therapist Candidate, and a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate must hold the necessary licensing degree and be in the process of completing the required supervision for licensure. A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist must hold a master’s or doctoral degree in marriage and family counseling, have at least two years post-master’s or one year post-doctoral practice, and pass an exam in marriage and family therapy. A Licensed Professional Counselor must hold a master’s or doctoral degree in professional counseling, have at least two years post-master’s or one year postdoctoral practice, and pass an exam in in professional counseling. A Licensed Psychologist must hold a doctorate degree in psychology, have one year of post-doctoral supervision, and pass an examination in psychology.
5. The practice of licensed or registered persons in the field of psychotherapy is
regulated by the Mental Health Licensing Section of the Division of Professions and Occupations. The Board of Mental Health Licensing can be reached at 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, Colorado 80202, (303) 894-7800.
6. You are entitled to receive information from your therapist about the methods of therapy, the techniques used, the duration of your therapy, if known, and the fee structure. You can seek a second opinion from another therapist or terminate therapy at any time.
7. In a professional relationship, sexual intimacy is never appropriate and should be reported to the board that licenses, registers, or certifies the licensee, registrant or certificate holder.
8. Generally speaking, the information provided by and to the client during therapy sessions is legally confidential and cannot be released without the client’s consent. There are exceptions to this confidentiality, some of which are listed in section 12-43-218 of the Colorado Revised Statutes and the Notice of Privacy Rights you were provided as well as other exceptions in Colorado and Federal law. For example, mental health professionals are required to report child abuse to authorities. If a legal exception arises during therapy, if feasible, you will be informed accordingly.
9. I may not be able to provide 24-hour care or after hour emergency services, therefore appropriate referrals are given to individuals in need of more intensive treatment. Examples included but are not limited to, individuals who are experiencing acute suicidal or homicidal thoughts, psychosis, or who require in-patient detoxification. In the event of an emergency please contact your local mental health center or emergency room.
10. Treatment Duration and Techniques. While it is often difficult at the outset of counseling to determine the length of treatment we will evaluate as we continue how the treatment is progressing and where we are in the process. You may end your treatment at anytime. You may seek a second opinion at any time. I will inform you what treatment techniques I will use, which will be determined by the nature of your situation. Please feel free to ask me about my treatment techniques and style at any time.
11. Fee Agreement. The sessions are 50 minutes long and each session costs
$200.00. You will be charged for “no-show” appointments and/or if you fail to give one business day when canceling or changing an appointment. There are NO exceptions to this policy.
12. In couples therapy and/or family therapy, I may disclose information shared individually in or out of session, based upon my professional judgement, All members of the couple or family have access to the file. By signing this disclosure statement you acknowledge this and release information in this manner.
It is important to understand that there may be a potential for stress, strain or life changes as a result of therapy. If you have any questions or concerns about this disclosure statement or would like additional information, please feel free to ask.
I have read the preceding information, it has also been provided verbally, and I understand my rights as a client or as the client’s responsible party.